Any successful business has. These goals need to be a very precisely defined in. How To Use Short Term And Long Term Goals To Achieve More Short Term Goals Long Term Goals Work Goals 4Long-Term and Short-Term Goals Minnesota State CAREERwise. . Typically short-term goals are defined as accomplishments that take 3 months to a few years. Both short term and long term goals are essentially linked. Long-term goals are usually completed in 3 to 5 years or longer. This is a useful short-term goal you should set this year to make you productive and grow your career by breaking down work into small wins. Go back to school to get a higher degree. Visit The Official Edward Jones Site. New Look At Your Financial Strategy. The 7 Steps to Effective Goal Setting. Short-term goals and long-term organisational goals are also different in adaptability. Find a Dedicated Financial Advisor Now. Ask for a prom...